Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tamriel Rebuilt: I3-513

Tamriel Rebuilt:
By Lord Andres Indoril.

    Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Archive time! is once again at hand. Today we shall take a look at a cave that is rotated all wrong. And filled with mushrooms. Delicious mushrooms. And I think there might be some levitation item there somewhere. Probably. Screenshots and claim history beyond the jump as usual.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tamriel Rebuilt: I1-69

Tamriel Rebuilt:
By Lord Andres Indoril.

    Hello! Welcome to Archive Time! Today we shall be taking a look at the great and mysterious quest location from the old map 1 main quest plans, that I have no idea if it will even be merged to the Mainland file in any release. Anyways, this was I think the second 69 interior that I got. I one sixty-nine! Hell yeah! This cave belongs to a crazy hermit enchanter, as is appropriate for any work of Andres.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tamriel Rebuilt: I3-588

Tamriel Rebuilt:
By Lord Andres Indoril.

    Welcome, lads and lasses, to another session of ARCHIVE TIME!, which is the weekly silliness of posting claims the Lord Andres Indoril has finished in the past, long, long time ago. Or something like that. Today we shall take a look at the lair of the Bloat King or was it Spore King... Anyway, it is a bloatspore cave in which there lies a corpse of a enchanter with quite a silly nature, who was accompanied by an archer with a bad, bad temper, who was only accompanying the enchanter, because he paid well. Once the enchanter declared himself the Bloat/Spore/Bloatspore King, the archer just lost an arrow from his bowstring. Understanding what he did, he robbed the corpse and left the cave.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tamriel Rebuilt: I2-378

Tamriel Rebuilt:
By Lord Andres Indoril.

    Hello again and welcome to ARCHIVE TIME! thingy! Today we shall take a look at quite a boring little commoners house, but I am sure there will be something interesting in a couple of weeks. Anyways, this house apparently belongs to someone who should not be wearing any shoes or a shirt. That's all I could find out about this.